There’s a spring in Scarborough’s step these days.
And many of you have played important roles in bringing this about.
Scarborough Stands Tall Before the Electoral Boundaries Commission
Scarborough residents pulled together from far and wide in October to stand up for electoral fairness for Scarborough. As many of you know, the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario has determined that Toronto should lose a federal seat, that it should come out of Scarborough, and that Scarborough’s historical boundary along Victoria Park Avenue should be partially erased. In short; the proposal will weaken Scarborough’s electoral representation and break up Scarborough, just as we’re finding a common voice and finally getting some political attention.
This would also apply to our provincial and municipal representation. So Scarborough loses three times!
My thanks to the many of you who wrote to the Commission, made presentations to the Commission either in person on online, and signed our online petition. The in-person hearing at the Scarborough Civic Centre generated far more registrations than the Commission was prepared for and there was a lot of Scarborough pride on display. The online petition reached 2,600 signatures when we submitted it to the Commission on the October 31 deadline.
Mayor John Tory submitted a letter to the Commission, strongly endorsing the position of SCRO and many of us.
Many local media outlets picked up this story, with SCRO featured prominently.
None of this would have been possible without an engaged and united community having our back. I especially want to note the participation of so many individuals and community organizations in and around Agincourt, which will be affected by all this more than any other part of Scarborough. It was gratifying to see so much Scarborough passion coming together in a common cause.
We may not know if our advocacy will be successful until early next year. But we spoke with pride and passion at an important moment in time. And I thank you all for this.
Scarborough Walk of Fame Celebration Day showcases Scarborough people of distinction
SCRO is honoured to be the new host of the Scarborough Walk of Fame!
On September 15, our Celebration Day honoured ten inductees and four “Rising Star” inductees at Scarborough Town Centre, which was livestreamed for all to see. If you missed it, you can see the full livestream on our Facebook page. Scroll down just a little and you’ll see it there.
There are so many fine people from Scarborough who are doing important work here or who serve as ambassadors for Scarborough across Canada and beyond. It was wonderful to be able to recognize a few of them in such a classy and high profile manner.
The next time you’re in Scarborough Town Centre, take a look at our star display in Centre Court. You’ll find our stars going back to the first induction ceremony in 2006.
Where else in suburban Toronto can you find something as cool as this!
An historic investment in Scarborough Health Network and University of Toronto Scarborough
On September 28, the Scarborough Health Network and University of Toronto Scarborough announced landmark gifts from Orlando Corporation to improve health care facilities in Scarborough and to bring a medical school to U of T Scarborough. Take a look at the joint announcement by SHN and the University of Toronto. This is a game-changer for the future of health care in Scarborough.
Good things are happening in Scarborough! Let’s all stand tall and be proud of the place we call home.
Larry Whatmore
Scarborough Community Renewal Organization
(416) 562-2101