Fully funding the Eglinton East LRT

Greetings, Scarborough community members!

While COVID continues to put so much on hold, SCRO remains focused on advocacy

and public policy initiatives to build a better Scarborough.  Here a bit of what we’ve

been up to.

Fully funding the Eglinton East LRT

As reported last month, SCRO endorses the decision of Toronto City Council to redeploy $1.238 billion in levies originally intended for the Scarborough subway (which is no longer needed for this purpose, thanks to provincial funding), to support the extension of the Eglinton East LRT from Kennedy Station to University of Toronto Scarborough and then to Malvern.

We need another $3 billion in funding to get this project to the finish line!

Over the past month, SCRO has been working closely with our Scarborough MPs to elevate the importance of this transformative project to Minister Freeland (Finance) and Minister McKenna (Infrastructure) as the federal government gets set to table its next budget.

The extension of the Eglinton East LRT is well aligned with the Prime Minister’s announcement in February of a $14.9 billion fund to support public transit infrastructure over the next several years.

We need to bring the three levels of government together to make this project a reality.  As Scarborough leaders, let’s do all we can to make this project happen!

SCRO endorses the Golden Mile Community Innovation District

On March 30, SCRO spoke at a media event hosted by The Daniels Corporation, announcing their plans for the northeast corner of Victoria Park and Eglinton.

SCRO shared the virtual podium with Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson, Galen Weston, Wisdom Tettey (principal of UTSC), Craig Stephenson (president of Centennial College), Mitch Cohen (CEO of Daniels Corporation) Rael Diamond (CEO of Choice Properties), and Cynthia du Mont (Executive Director of West Scarborough Neighbourhood Community Centre).  UTSC and Centennial College are working together on a joint project in this development called a “communiversity” as reported last week in the Scarborough Mirror.

SCRO has been relentless in promoting the need for a “complete community” as the Golden Mile is renewed for a modern era.  We need visionary and legacy-building developments including a wide range of employment opportunities and a full suite of community amenities.

There is considerable vision alignment between SCRO and The Daniels Corporation.  We are working together to promote this vision to as a template for the redevelopment of the entire Golden Mile over the next two decades.

Daniels Corporation will be speaking about their plans at an upcoming Our Scarborough event.  Scroll down to see more and for details on how to register.

Toronto Region Board of Trade “Ready for Reopening” Working Group

COVID has been punishing to our local economy.  What can we do to ensure a safe, orderly and rapid return to a fully functioning economy when the pandemic ends?

The Toronto Region Board of Trade has convened three planning tables to address this issue.  One of them is focused on Scarborough Centre (the Consilium and surrounding areas) and is co-chaired by Deputy Mayor Michael Thompson.  SCRO is at the table, helping to guide the discussions, to ensure they include Scarborough-centric solutions regarding:  (a) best practices to facilitate and safe and large-scale return to workplaces, (b) how to increase opportunities and remove barriers for businesses, (c) direction to governments to support businesses through reopening and recovery and (d) how to improve economic conditions, sector recovery and employment rates.

While there are issues here that are common across the GTA, SCRO will strive to ensure that this planning table develops recommendations that are tailored to the needs of Scarborough’s economy.

City of Toronto “Shop Small” Marketing Campaign

The City of Toronto’s business retention and expansion office (part of the Economic Development Department), is planning a Toronto-wide “shop small” initiative to promote small business as part of its COVID recovery program.  Both SCRO and the Scarborough Business Association are participating on an advisory group of stakeholders to help guide this project.

“Our Scarborough” Speaker Series – have you registered?

“Our Scarborough” features Scarborough leaders and people doing important work in Scarborough.  It’s a great learning opportunity for us all.

Recent speakers included Omar McDadi, superintendent of Rouge National Urban Park, Andrew Arifuzzaman, Chief Administrative Officer of UTSC, and Liz Buller, CEO of Scarborough Health Network.

Here’s what’s coming up next:

April 15  John Mason, President, Friends of Guild Park

Renewing a Scarborough Landmark: Bringing the Arts – and People – back to Guild Park

April 29  Karen Stintz, CEO of Variety Village

May 13  Gillian Mason regarding the opportunities provided through our anchor institutions to help alleviate local poverty through local economic development.

May 27  Derek Spooner, Executive Director of Scarborough Arts

June 10  Mitchell Cohen, CEO of The Daniels Corporation regarding their plans for the Golden Mile

“Our Scarborough” is where you can mix and mingle with other Scarborough leaders (virtually, of course) and learn about important and interesting matters affecting life in Scarborough.

Please register at https://scro.ca/our-scarborough

Become a member of SCRO!

You can become a member of SCRO at no charge this year!  Please visit https://scro.ca/membership.

Please add your voice to those of other Scarborough leaders.  Let’s work together to create a stronger Scarborough!

Larry Whatmore


Scarborough Community Renewal Organization


(416) 562-2101

P.S.  I encourage you all to please get vaccinated as soon as you are able to.  Let’s all do our part so we can get our lives, our society and our economy back to normal a.s.a.p.  Thank you.

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Picture of Lary Whatmore

Lary Whatmore

Larry Whatmore is president of the Scarborough Community Renewal Association