Important victories for Scarborough commuters

Greetings, Scarborough residents.

As regular readers will know, improving public transit in Scarborough has been a top-of-mind priority for SCRO lately. I wanted to take a moment to celebrate two important victories for Scarborough commuters over the past month.

The City of Toronto provides full funding for the Scarborough busway!

SCRO thanks Mayor Olivia Chow for her leadership in prioritizing funding for the Scarborough busway during this very difficult budget cycle. Funding was not provided in the first draft of the budget, as prepared by City staff. This was highly worrisome for the many Scarborough residents who previously relied on the Scarborough RT, whose commutes have become even more punishing since the RT was decommissioned.
When it’s completed, the busway will make the lives of many Scarborough commuters a little bit better until
the Scarborough subway extension opens, which is scheduled for 2030.
SCRO also thanks our Scarborough councillors, who were strong advocates for the busway and who were
important allies for SCRO during the budget process. SCRO also thanks TTC Riders for their advocacy in support of the Scarborough busway.

Here we see one of the magic formulas of advocacy: you don’t have to do it alone. SCRO strives to work in partnership with politicians, thought leaders, and civil society organizations for a better Scarborough. Sometimes we lead, sometimes others lead. It’s all good. Scarborough is blessed with many passionate leaders and community organizations, all of whom contribute to the fabric of Scarborough-focused advocacy.

The Province launches the “One Fare” program, providing important benefits for
Scarborough commuters

SCRO thanks the Ontario Government and in particular, associate minister Vijay Thanigasalam, for working with public transit authorities across the GTA to bring this program to life. The “One Fare” program provides significant benefits for those many Scarborough commuters who must use more than one transit service for their daily commutes; usually the TTC and the GO, but also commuters who cross Steeles Avenue into York Region or who cross Kingston Road into Durham Region. SCRO is pleased to endorse this program, as have politicians and leaders of public institutions across the GTA.

We are still waiting for funding for the Eglinton East LRT Extension

While these were two big wins for Scarborough transit users in February, we are still looking to the provincial and federal governments for capital funding for an extension of the Eglinton East LRT when they present their budgets this spring. This project will become increasingly urgent as Scarborough’s population continues to grow, given the long construction timelines for projects of this scale. It’s crucial that our governments step up now. The City has committed $1.2 billion to this project. It is now time for our provincial and federal governments to do their part once the City of Toronto completes the Transit Project Assessment Process for this project, likely this summer.

Scarborough Walk of Fame Celebration Day

April 10 at Scarborough Town Centre

Mark your calendar for one of the signature celebrations on the 2024 Scarborough calendar!
Scarborough Walk of Fame “Celebration Day” April 10, 2024 at Scarborough Town Centre
(morning and afternoon; precise times to follow) Take a look at the impressive resumes of this year’s inductees on the Scarborough Walk of Fame website.
Please join our mailing list for up-to-date information. SCRO is honoured to the organizer and presenter of the Scarborough Walk of Fame.

SCRO online town halls continue

Please join us on May 7 at 7 pm.
Thank you to everyone who attended SCRO’s town hall on January 30. Your feedback and advice will help to inform SCRO’s advocacy priorities for Scarborough.

Our next online town hall is on May 7 at 7:00 pm. Registration details to follow. Please join us and share your passions and priorities for Scarborough. Your input will help to steer SCRO’s advocacy to all levels of government, to advance Scarboroughwide priorities.
You may also discover how you can become more involved with SCRO through these discussions.

Questions? Please contact us at Let’s keep working together for a better Scarborough, the place we are proud to call home.

Larry Whatmore
Scarborough Community Renewal Organization


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Picture of Lary Whatmore

Lary Whatmore

Larry Whatmore is president of the Scarborough Community Renewal Association