Scarborough speaks with pride and passion on the City of Toronto official plan

SCRO’s special edition of “Our Scarborough” on January 27 was powerful

expression of pride and passion by many Scarborough residents.   Thank you

to all who contributed to such an energizing event.

It was inspiring to see so much engagement.  We may not agree on all issues; after all, Scarborough is the home of many distinctive communities.  But we all have a shared passion for a better Scarborough.

And Scarborough was heard, in all its dimensions.  City staff were impressed by the level of engagement, which has often been lacking from Scarborough over the years.  Let’s sustain this going forward!

Remember:  if we don’t make ourselves heard on the public policy issues that are important to us, others will make decisions for us.  Let’s not let that happen!

A summary of the discussion is almost ready and will be distributed in the coming days to all who registered.  We will also include a copy of the presentation made by the City Planning department.

You can help SCRO to connect, promote and renew Scarborough

SCRO’s mission and vision are to connect, promote and renew Scarborough, so Scarborough can be strong and prosperous.

That voice will always be stronger when we have your back … and vice versa.

Please join SCRO at  We are stronger together.

Our Scarborough continues on Thursday, February 17.

SCRO’s “Our Scarborough” speaker series brings Scarborough residents together to hear about interesting people and organizations who are making a difference in Scarborough.

For Black History Month, join us to discuss the AfriCANthology project with editor Greg Frankson and contributors Dwayne Morgan and Andrea Thompson. They will discuss their Scarborough connections and tell the story of their art and why it’s more important than ever for creative artists from Scarborough, and across the country, to talk loudly and proudly about the place and impact of Blacks in Canada.

Please register at

 “Love, Scarborough” campaign in support of the Scarborough Health Network

Have you heard about the “Love, Scarborough” campaign by our Scarborough’s hospitals?  Take a look.  It’s both powerful and compelling:

SCRO is proud to be a supporter of this ambitious fundraising and advocacy campaign.  It’s not only to raise money for SHN.  It’s also about getting a better funding deal for our hospitals.  That’s where we all come in.

Let’s all get behind this campaign, as cheerleaders and advocates, so we can get a better deal for Scarborough’s hospitals.

“Institute for New Suburbanism” Speaker Series

Next event:  Professor Alan Berger on February 24

The Institute for New Suburbanism is a suburban planning policy think tank, founded right here in Scarborough.  SCRO has been involved from the beginning.

Academics and practitioners in the planning profession often bring a downtown-centric frame of reference to their work, which overlooks the needs, aspirations, and preferences of those of us who have chosen to live in suburbs.

INS and SCRO are doing something about this.

In 2021, INS hosted three events, featuring academics and practitioners, both local and from afar.  You can watch the presentations on the INS website:

On February 24, Alan Berger, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be speaking about the “Next Generation American Suburbs Project”.  Please attend if you can by registering on the INS website.

Keep well and stay safe!

Larry Whatmore


Scarborough Community Renewal Organization

(416) 562-2101

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Lary Whatmore

Larry Whatmore is president of the Scarborough Community Renewal Association