We’re proud to share your 2024 Scarborough Walk of Fame inductees

Greetings, fellow Scarborough residents.

There’s a spring in Scarborough’s step these days, as Scarborough stands tall and proud.

Scarborough Walk of Fame: 2024 Inductees are announced!

Thank you, Scarborough, for submitting more than 700 nominations! Wow! It’s wonderful to see so much Scarborough passion, profiling some of our most accomplished residents. We are blessed to have so many talented and accomplished people here, who have done amazing things here at home … or who serve as Scarborough ambassadors here and beyond.

Following an extensive research and evaluation process, the SWOF team has selected the individuals noted above for a “star” on the Scarborough Walk of Fame Court at Scarborough Town Centre.
Take a look at the impressive resumes of this year’s inductees: https://scarboroughwalkoffame.com/

Inductee names

Come join us at: Scarborough Walk of Fame “Celebration Day” April 10, 2024 at Scarborough Town Centre (precise times to follow)

Join us for one of the signature celebrations on the 2024 Scarborough calendar! More details to follow shortly on the Scarborough Walk of Fame website, or you can join our email list for up-to-date information.

SCRO elevates Scarborough public transit as a front-and-centre political issue

Public transit in Scarborough has been more talk than action for many years. Thankfully, that is starting to change, as there is so much to be done.

We are all looking forward to the completion of the Scarborough subway extension, scheduled for 2030. But much more is needed, right away and in the future, as Scarborough’s population is projected to grow by about 175,000 over the next thirty years.

The Scarborough busway … let’s get it done!

The most urgent priority is the Scarborough busway, to provide a more elegant temporary solution to replace the decommissioned Scarborough RT than the sea of shuttle buses we have now, especially along Kennedy Road. This will be needed until the opening of the Scarborough subway extension.
SCRO thanks all Scarborough residents and transit advocates (thank you, TTC Riders) who supported SCRO in creating a sense of urgency about this during the City of Toronto budget consultations.
Thanks to our unrelenting advocacy, Mayor Chow has announced that she is recommending that the busway be funded, even though it was not recommended for funding in the “version 1” budget proposed by City staff.

We thank the mayor for her leadership on this and we urge City Council to support this when it comes to Council for approval. But more is needed. Much more.

SCRO 2024 budget submissions … laser-focused on Scarborough public transit infrastructure requirements

All three levels of government have just concluded their 2024 budget consultations.

SCRO submitted four times:

  • to Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland and our Scarborough MPs,
    to the Ontario Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, which includes Scarborough MPs David Smith and Andrea Hazell,
  • to the Ontario Ministry of Finance, together with MPPs Vijay Thanigasalam, Raymond Cho, and Aris Babikian, and
  • to the City of Toronto Budget Sub-Committee.


All submissions were laser-focused on public transit.

  • the Scarborough busway, as noted above
  • an extension of the Eglinton East LRT, from Kennedy Station to UTSC and to Malvern
  • the Sheppard Avenue transit extension, from Don Mills to McCowan


Our Ontario budget submissions are posted on the SCRO website. Our City and federal budget submissions were modelled on these, tailored to where each government is best suited to support Scarborough’s public
transit needs.

SCRO urges our three governments to work collaboratively to support and fund Scarborough-focused public transit solutions.

SCRO online town halls continue.

Please join us on May 7 at 7 pm. Thank you to everyone who attended SCRO’s latest town hall on January 30. Your feedback and advice has been documented and will help to inform SCRO’s advocacy priorities for Scarborough.

Our next online town hall is on May 7 at 7:00 pm. Registration details to follow. Please join us and share your passions and priorities for Scarborough. Your input will help to steer SCRO’s advocacy to all levels of government, to advance Scarborough-wide priorities.

You may also discover how you can become more involved with SCRO through these discussions.

Questions? Please contact us at scrorenewal@gmail.com.

Mayor’s lunch in Scarborough: April 3, 2024

The Scarborough Business Association is once again holding its annual Mayor’s Lunch on Wednesday, April 3 at University of Toronto Scarborough. Mark your calendars now for one of the most important gatherings of Scarborough civic leaders in 2024. Registration details will follow from SBA.

Let’s keep working together for a better Scarborough, the place we are proud to call home.

Larry Whatmore
Scarborough Community Renewal Organization
(416) 562-210

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Lary Whatmore

Larry Whatmore is president of the Scarborough Community Renewal Association