Navigating the political budget season

Greetings, fellow Scarborough residents. Yes, it’s that time of year, when our governments cobble together their budgets for the new year. This always involves varying degrees of community consultation. SCRO […]

Help us bring better transit to Scarborough – now!

Greetings, fellow Scarborough residents. We have often vented about underinvestment in Scarborough, going back many decades, especially for public transit. Proposals are announced, studied, designed, and sometimes even funded. But […]

It’s up to us to shape our Scarborough

Greetings, fellow Scarborough residents. There’s a lot to love about Scarborough. More green space than any other part of the City. Distinctive neighbourhoods, with unique physical and cultural attributes. Inspiring […]

Stars align in sensational Scarborough

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings, fellow Scarborough residents. What an incredible couple of weeks we’ve had in Scarborough. SCRO congratulates the Scarborough Business Association for hosting the largest ever mayor’s lunch atUniversity […]

Important victories for Scarborough commuters

Greetings, Scarborough residents. As regular readers will know, improving public transit in Scarborough has been a top-of-mind priority for SCRO lately. I wanted to take a moment to celebrate two […]

SCRO Town Hall on Jan. 30

Happy New Year, fellow Scarborough residents.SCRO online town halls continue. Please join us on January 30 at 7 pm.SCRO strives to advocate to all levels of government, public officials, and […]